Jamie Quickert. linkedin.com/in/jamiequickert/ When and how to refuse a client’s demands.
What to do when an important wedding pro asks for too much.
Christie Osborne. MountainSideMedia.com. Who are you selling to? Where do they "live"? Give value to make connections. How to fast track your networking process.
Rachel Sheerin. RachelSheerin.com. How to identify job burnout and how to deal with it. When to fire a client. How to take care of yourself.
Caroline Fox. EngagedLegal.com. How a good contract is a preventative medicine. How to handle changes to a client agreement. Why you need to document everything. Why you need to know the limits of small claims court in your state.
Leah Faddis and Marcella Caldwell. LeahMariePhotography.com. When to hire or outsource. How to determine why you need to hire or outsource. What questions do you ask a potential new hire?